Most recent activity
- Clefty - New style Milwaulkie Hoody, WWR shorts
2 - Eightball - New style Milwaukee x 2 (and poss other bits) - moog - new style milwaukee hoody
- doc_si - new style milwaukee hoody + WWR shorts
- D. Generate - New style Milwaukee Hoody, WWR shorts (possibly something else if I can afford it)
- Rauri - Pullover hooder (maybe other stuff too)
- edscoble - men's 3/4 cotton short.
- jayloo - XS red softshell new and improved Milwaukee hoodie, 2 S grey, 1 S black women's cotton knickers
16.huge (need to check but definitely want some more shorts)
10.Andy.w (shorts/Milwaukee) Clefty Am I elligable as I'm in a different country. - damo (wwr shorts/windblock jacket/baselayer) + (wwr shorts/baselayer)
- Plurabelle. The girls' 3/4 shorts in black and a Milwaukee hoody please and thank you very much. Possibly the pants too if they're being discontinued.
- Milo. Men's 3/4 shorts in med. grey. pls :)
- Jim Jones - Men's herringbone shorts (and a pair of skinny jeans if I can have 15% off the sale price -cheeky, but you won't get if you don't ask)
- Rod Munch - S Black Windblock Jacket (and probably some other bits)
- Spins - M Hiding Hoodie or two, jeans and probably a couple of other things
- hoops - New style Milwaulkie Hoody
- DynamicalSystem - 2x Large Baselayer, new Large Milwaukee, 34" Herringbone Shorts
- Yorky - Herringbone 3/4 and new milwaulkee hoodie.
- supertony - Hiding Hoodie + Windbreaker please
- One of the pairs of jeans, and a hat of some kind
- Jonathan - Mens knickers in blue, baselayer red Medium
- C.B. - Pair of skinny jeans in 30" long or at a push 32" long
- EEI - new style Milwuakee Hoodie + Softshell Shorts
- Sparky - Shorts or 3/4 knickers
- Chuk - Large Milwaukee & 2x Large Baselayer (poss/prob some pants or jeans)
- Fox - some sort of shorts + probably something else TBC
- Red-Biff - Black Large Milwaukee + see ma knees Shorts
- Zane Chaos - New Milwaukee.... and probably some shorts
- Kboy - windbreaker + hiding hoodie, possibly a base layer too
- jaw - Hiding Hoodie + New style Milwaukee Hoodie
- jv - black summer weight wwr 3/4 trousers
- New Milwaukee and WWR shorts
- Ved - mens softshell shorts & windblock jacket (for the Ship innit)
- Machineisbored - cotton 3/4s, cap & maybe a milwaukee hoodie
- BlueQuinn - Herringbone shorts, poss mexican shorts, a cap or two,
- Wibble - Cotton 3/4s in black
- CYOA - Short shorts, hiding hoodie + possibly milwaukee hoodie.
- Kirth - new Milwaukee and WWR Shorts, possibly some 3/4 trousers as well...
- Tiswas - Sprinter shorts
- maxcrowe - Cotton 3/4s in black, new style Milwaukee hoodie
- chippedtooth - Sprint cut short, Hiding hoodie. BIG.
- mr lunch - New Milwaukee hoodie + sprinter shorts
- gralegav - regular jeans and prescription tee
- macca - hiding hoodie (or 2), pair of shorts though not sure which style yet, possibly milwaukee hoodie.
- lalanternerouge - 2x WWR shorts
- Pistaboy - New Milwaukee hoodie.
- Special K - New Milwaukee hoodie
- Bernhard - Hiding hoodie, 3/4 shorts, not sure which tho.
- lldn84 - Any women's knickers XS, new mens skinny jeans and a pair of reg. jeans pls
- Marcho - Black 3/4 shorts.
- Deodara - New Milwaukee hoodie .
- Clefty - New style Milwaulkie Hoody, WWR shorts
Check out the new kenton line of controllers on:
Some series stuff worth waiting for... -
Is the fork still up for grabs?