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Member since May 2009 • Last active May 2012
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    has anybody ever ridden a MASI coltello here?
    saw on other forums saying that they are stiff as hell,
    i have never tried an aluminium frame before, would that be a big drawback?
    wouldn't it be the same on all aluminium frames?

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    wonder when will they actually have this frame in stock
    any chance i can get this in this 2 months?

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    oh then mabye i missed out some threads :[
    that's such a shame!
    all i could find is
    it is green and the postal fee to england is ard 77pounds.
    Not what i want...

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    Hi, had a search around but couldn't find a dealer selling MASI frames in UK

    I am looking for MASI 2010 Coltello Frameset 51 or 53cm
    ( actually I am riding a Fuji League 52cm and it fits me perfectly, but I wonder should I get a 51cm or 53cm) any advices?

    Anyone knows where and who can I get this frame from?

    btw has anybody ridden a MASI coltello before? any comments on it?

    any help would be appreciate!

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    really love NAGASAWA's font
    so cool

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    Your friend was right. Buy an off the peg (OTP) bike, or if you have the time and patience, build up one from scratch.

    But do ignore the bullshit that says that one is better than the other, as that will be that person's opinion, and they can't speak for you, or anyone else.

    You can even buy a pre-owned OTP, and slowly upgrade that....selling unwanted parts as you go along.

    Its your choice, so go with your gut feelings, and make up your own mind about preachy nonsense on here.

    Oh yes, if you do go the DIY route, select a nice classically proportioned steel frame, from a recognised maker. It will do you proud in the end.

    Okay i got what you mean:)
    Is Charge Plug Racer "a nice classically proportioned steel frame, from a recognised maker" ? I quite like the frame and have thoughts to upgrade it. oh also the bianchi pista, but people here seem to think that the price not acceptale now. (550pound)

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    if you want to appreciate a fixed gear bike then you need to build one from scratch for sure and invest in proper tools.. suggest you buy everything second hand remember treat this as your first project, buy tools as you need them don't waste money buying shite from Lidl.. i'm serious.. spending circa £500 upfront is for fools, aim for £200 then upgrade parts when you are ready and know what you are doing.. personally i'd rather spend serious money on my road bike.. good luck and welcome to the forum (michael)


    I will consider it seriously:)
    Cheers Al, this is a lovely forum, love it!

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    Hi there, edwardes camberwell is an excellent cycle shop and are selling the fuji and the se light for £250 . My son has just bought one . The guys in there are more than helpfull and you will get a free service after six months . hope this is of some use to you.

    I can reach London Bridge easily, seems not a problem getting there, thanks!
