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Member since May 2009 • Last active Apr 2011
  • 2 conversations

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    theres nothing wrong with that

    You can polish a turd, it will be nice and shiney, but still a turd.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    EBay convesation re the one posted above by mrj.

    1. Dear foffabikes,

    This is a wind up, right?

    • yanuf

    1. *Dear yanuf,

    Why would it be?*

    1. Dear foffabikes,

    Average cost of OTP ss as parts = 50% higher then unit cost.Apply same logic and your offering should be £180 - £200.Or for same money buy s better speced (by a very long margin) OTP.QED

    • yanuf

    1. *Dear yanuf,

    You might want to speak to the Brick Lane Bikes people to find out how much they charge for custom built bikes.
    I think you can appreciate that bespoke bikes will always be more expensive than factory-made OTP + our bikes are made mostly of new components anyway, our frames are powder-coated (only that costs 70 pounds) and come with a 12 months warranty so I don’t really get why people tend to think that we are making a huge margin.*

    5.Dear foffabikes,

    Not saying that you are making a huge margin, just that your price point for what you offering is way off.

    • yanuf

    Dear yanuf,
    *If you can get a newly refurbished ss bike for less by all means let me know.

    1. That's my point: I can get a much (much) better spec OTP for the same as your "newly refurbed".
  • in General
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    Photography is a tool of Satan.
    It captures your soul and allows the Dark One to put you in his photoalbum.
    When you die he has your mug shot.

    You have ben warned.

    Oh dear, its time for my pills.

  • in General
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    If drivers need this kind of sensationalist bloodbath type flic to educate them that **THEY SHOULD PAY ATTENTION WHILST DRIVING** then they really should not be on the roadin the first place.

    My answer is to make everyone retake their driving test (with a medical and eyetest) every 5 years.

    Signed: Adolf Shicklgruber

  • in Wanted Adverts
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    What dropout width are you after?

  • in Wanted Adverts
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    Hard to find man, but worth the search.

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    it is him for sure, check his point in the feedback, and you will find this

    Question: "What type of Reynolds tubing?"


    Hello, sorry for the confusion, but its Chro-moly steel. Thanks for the interest,

    Ho Ho.
