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Hi everyone,
every time I get a flat tyre and have to put my rear wheel back on, I have a really difficult time getting it straight with the chain line nice and tight. Does anyone have any useful tips for doing this more easily? It's one of my great frustrations and if I can save myself some time, I'll be happy!
Thanks for your help!
Thanks to everyone who has given advice so far... I might have found a slightly more drastic solution though... I picked up a new frame yesterday with an English BB. It's a nice Italian frame with full columbus tubing and much, much nicer to ride than my old one. Have ordered a Miche Bottom Bracket and should have it running as a fixy within a few days. :-)
flikr here:
It's a cheap low end Peugeot frame from 1980 and it won't sell on for much. The Phil Wood would be a dead investment. I'm also going to be re-using the other parts that I'm installing (cranks, wheels, etc. etc.) on a new higher end frame at some point, but only once I've left the high levels of bike crime here in Amsterdam.
So Phil Wood is out of the question and my choices are either a new frame or a semi-dodgy but not-dangerous solution and I'd prefer the latter, as it's bound to be a lot cheaper.
Thanks to everyone who has replied! There is loads of useful information in here!!
When you are doing this, what is your tip for checking that the wheel is straight and how important is it to get it perfect? This is especially relevent on a converted road frame, rather than a track bike, I think.