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Member since May 2009 • Last active Jul 2010
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    Looking for a Lo-Pro bike equivalent to 56cm road frame.

    Ideally with horizontal drop outs but anything considered.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    I already have a cheap daily mtb as a daily hack.

    I am looking for a proper road bike, which would be suitable for proper road training.

    I visited Evans Cycles and sat on a 58cm Fuji Roubaix which seemed to have a good frame and components.

    Is this is a suitable bike for me (6ft1 and 15,5 st) for proper riding. I don't really want to spend over £1000 all in for bike, mudguards and pedals/shoes.

  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
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    Cockrings more like

    Thanks for that !

  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
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    [U]link removed - sorry I didn't realise linking was not allowed

  • in Current Projects
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    I agree with the other guys. For you first build, on a budget, you've done a good job there. It looks a lot nicer than what I started on. What frame is it? Other than the clearance at the back it looks like a pretty good frame. The heart shaped lugs on the forks makes me think it's a Dawes?

    I think it 'was' a Claud Butler

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    And that looks to have masssive clearances because you are using 700C wheels on it, and it is designed for 27". Sorry if I'm wrong though?

    You may well be right - as I said in a previous post I am a newbie and bought the wheels separate from the frame (which cost me £20 and a mate painted it)

    The bike is a dog's dinner and I want to start again, so likely will sel the parts separately on eBay.

  • in Current Projects
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    Here is my project - it was done on a budget and hasn't turned out exactly how I wanted it to.

    Going to start a new project with bit more money - ideally would like a track frame with a sloping angled top tube (angled down) with less clearance on the wheels and ideally a smaller front wheel than on the back, as a newbie can you offer any suggestions ?
