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Member since May 2009 • Last active May 2009
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    So who does? Do you? If you think that's the case I can see the root of your problem...

    Car's, truck's, buses, Motorbikes/peds or anything else which pays tax to be there. Fucking freeloading bike riders.

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    My ex-wife wished me "under a bus" once

    You're not my ex-wife are you Pistonhead ?

    Nope, just fed up with these halfwits thinking they rule the road. If he crashed into my car I wouldn't of had a problem running him down. See how my Goodyears feel on his face.

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    Beautiful morning, despite my raging hangover, made even better by crashing into a brand spanking new Lamborghini.

    I see him ahead of me in a side road, and I just* know* he is going to pull out in front of me, daddies little boy can't drive daddies car properly. So I have slowed right down to about 5 mph by the time I cycle straight into his gleaming wing. I could of avoided him completely of course, but I wanted to see if I could damage his car. I was contemplating not slowing down, whakcing him full pelt and see if I could of gotten some nice new wheels and the old injuries claim. Anyway, it made my morning, the look of panic on his face at impact - 2 seconds

    You're a Twat. Hopefully next time your'll get run over by an artic. Lyrca wearing cunt!
