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thanks very much for the replies.
I have a screw on freewheel on the back - i think there is a bit too much to do it with a spacer but will look into that. Any ideas where i might get one from?
You are absolutely right about the front. Changing to the inner gear will pretty much get it all in line - the problem being the ratio would be very easy 36-16 (even for me!).
I am prepared to be shot down in flames here - but bear with me!
I am currently running my single speed with a very mis-aligned chain line (about 1cm according to SB's measurement guide). The chain (unsuprisingly) comes off quite often when riding it.
The question is, am i best running it with a slack or tight chain to minimise this?
My LBS fitted an old double crank (moulded/single piece jobby) which is the cause of the misalignment so i am waiting to be able to afford to replace the crankset to sort out the route cause of the problem. At the moment, i haven't been able to find anything half decent for ~20 quid.
Tom -
Hi, I am after a budget chainset. It needs to be square tapered and ideally not a single piece jobby. 46 - 48 tooth would be great. I have got about £20 to spend (flush i know!)
If you have anything that might be suitable, and is better than my alternative (which i think is single piece):
please let me know! Any opinions on the linked product welcome...