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this national series sounds wicked... i have missed out on loads of the events this year and only made it to the one at the imbibe bar where hillbilly knocked me out of the semi's! i need to keep an eye out for events as want to try and get out there and do well... anyone who can pedal fast and keep ur arse doen on rollers should give it a go as wicked fun...
i wouldn't bother spending money on that as last time is was full of toff looking people with fancy bikes that never get ridden! the event though was a wicked day even though the rain was coming down like crazy! they had a wicked messenger race where loads of people where being flash and falling off... if anyone reads this can you answer me this... why do messengers get treated so good compared to people that actually work in bike shops fixing your bikes!!! went to a roller race once where messengers got in half price!!!! and then could not fix the rollers without bike shop people?
if the spacing on your wheel is the same on both sides (locknut to flange) then maybe make sure sprocket is screwed on the right way as some sprockets are dished. Always make sure the frame is the perfect width for the hub. I do single speed conversions at work all the time and always ways to make it work.
Bloody arsehole woman jumpong a red light has fractured my shoulder in a few places so no Dunwich Dynamo for me again this year... super pissed!!! All you guys have a wicked ride and i'll see you at next years ride...