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Member since Apr 2009 • Last active Apr 2009
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    I got my bike off them last February. I ordered it on the Wednesday and they delivered on the Friday so no complaints from me.

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    yes that's the area alright, just after the Regents canal, not far from Essex road. My friend called the police later when she saw the bike again and they responded asap. Said there had been a few cases with people getting pushed in the canal (we were not by the canal itself).

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    Yeah my NY Fug D lock was in my back pack! I was at least grateful I don't need to buy a new lock!

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    No didn't get the reg. It all happened so quick. It was about 10 p.m. in a residential street in Islington. There were a few people round plus I was with someone too so it was obviously quite brazen of them to do it. A person who was walking behind us said it was a Pioggia scooter. My friend thinks she saw them driving around later, showing off (speeding about, revving etc.). Probably had stolen the scooter too.

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    Hi, my Giant Bowery 2008 was stolen off me last night. Was walking home with it when 2 guys on a scooter came by rather close and before I knew it had grabbed the bike and drove off with it. Was stunned! Have never heard of this before. Anyway doubt I'll see it again, was fairly standard build but with a specialized ladies saddle as about the only distinguishing mark. Thought I'd report this new (to me) method of bike theft.

    Drop me a line if it's spotted
