Avatar for SuperSonic


Member since Apr 2009 • Last active May 2011
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  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for SuperSonic

    Lezyne Pressure Drive - nicely made, nice looking, compact and even blows tyres up as well...

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for SuperSonic

    It was a nickname I had 30+ years ago.

    Apparently I looked like 'SuperSonic' Sid little from Little and Large (if anyone else is old enough to remember). And no, it's not really anything to be proud of...

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for SuperSonic

    but heres two good reasons to have clipless:

    1. You have to bring a change of shoes, which means your smelly cycling shoes can be left somewhere, meaning your feet don't smell
    2. In summer when flip flops are necessary, you cant really ride fixed in them, so clipless wins again.

    I think it is legal to carry a spare pair of shoes with you even if you go with toe clips and straps...

    I think clipless are almost certainly more efficient etc... but I still ride with toe clips and straps. I'm old, I'm happy with clips and straps, I think they are nicer looking, they're cheaper...

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for SuperSonic

    As posted by Edscoble on another thread, how about this??

    For £250 you can get a Carrera Subway Zero, which despite coming from Halfraud, seemed like a pretty good starter (and it's alu);


  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for SuperSonic

    That Carrera Subway zero looks decent at that price.

    May not be the coolest or the best spec, but for £250..

  • in Components and clothing
    Avatar for SuperSonic

    They do look quite a good idea - I may try something similar with some old flip-flops I've got lying around...

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    I used to windsurf - and I watched that on the TV a while back.

    I've done enough to know how hard it is - utter respect to anyone who goes out in conditions like that.

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for SuperSonic

    So are mine. I put them on with my bare hands. hftu

    Putting folding ones on my flyer was much harder than putting beaded onto my wifes Dolce....

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for SuperSonic

    If your friend has a fixed budget (excuse the pun), then it may be worth looking for a 2nd hand bike - some come up on ebay which had very little use.

    But either way, go and look at the bike before buying it. Up close it may not look such a good deal...

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for SuperSonic

    everyone, i beasted myself in the garage until i vomited this evening. Nitro.

