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Member since Apr 2009 • Last active Nov 2009
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    "There should be NO cycle lanes at all on bus routes.
    Cyclists should largely ensure their own safety by NOT cycling on busy roads, especially those used often by trucks etc. Basic common sense. Of course, if they want to have their freedom to cycle wherever they like, then they must accept the consequential dangers."

    I was angry, now I'm just hugely depressed that there are people who hold these views. What about the driver who repeatedly tried to ram me off the road because I wasn't cycling in the cycle lane, is that a 'consequential danger' I must accept as a cyclist, someone trying to kill me because got in his way.

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    The issue with people crossing when the man is red is annoying but so is everything. I wonder if in the uk we have a longer red man lag between no traffic going and no pedestrians walking. It seems that some countries have a lot quicker swap over so people know red man means no because the traffic is about to go. This may however be me looking at crossings and traffic systems I am not familiar with and thinking the traffic lights change quicker abroad

    In Copenhagen the ped signals have a digital readout that counts down the green man so you know exactly when the cars are going to pull away. They also count down the time to the next green man so you know how long you have to wait.

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    Lol@the girl in the blue jacket towards the bottom (42secs in). Doesn't know where the hell to look!

    Some people are mental.. I can't understand that kind of extreme impatience some people have. If I was in charge I would shoot on sight anyone who: ran a crossing on a red man; repeatedly bashes the door open button on the tube (it doesn't do anything you tw*ts!); tuts when the lift at work stops on any other floor but their own.

    I saw a couple of girly girls earlier sprinting across oxford street and nearly getting squished, their reaction... to laugh "haha, like oh my god did you see how close that bus was hahaha!".

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    On sat a police car on an emergency call flew into oxford circus junction during ped crossing; peds started running everywhere (away from and into the path of the police car), the police started trying to weave through streams of people at speed, had to slam on the anchors, tried to accelerate again before screeching to a halt as another few peds ran into it's path.It all struck me as amazingly dangerous. I wonder if this scenarios was thought about when the ped crossings were redesigned.

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    Ah. Well, that is what a lot of us have been saying for a while.

    Yep, it's always good to have some stats to back it up.

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    More on stats. I am not convinced that analysing killed is the way forward. The numbers are so low as to be statistically insignificant, plus the key witness is not able to give their own account.

    I think a more fruitful approach would be to look at KSI. Much bigger numbers.

    Interestingly, stats from the MET Motorcycle Tasking Team show that around half of all KSI for P2W (powered 2 wheel) in London involve a vehicle turning right across the path of the rider.

    This suggests that even changing cyclist behaviour, in terms of which side to pass LGVs and other vehicles, may not solve the problem entirely without changing driver behaviour as well.

    I'm trying to pull together lots of information that I hope to post up on the seemesaveme wiki shortly.

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    Drunk cycling... wise man say: 'it's all fun and games until someone loses a bollock'.

    Although I've managed to avoid this particular injury, my ankle is still hurting 2 months after falling into road works riding home drunk.

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    mopeds up the inside of cycle lanes is getting a little irksome, and the cycle lanes! i get the bus lanes but when they are mixing it up in the cycle box it slows everything down!

    I caught grief yesterday off a guy riding pillion on the back of his girlfriend's/wife's/sister's scooter. I was slowly filtering to the front of the lights in the green 'cycle' lane.... But apparently this lane is not for bikes at all, but actually reserved for Kensingtonites on lambrettas and cyclists should 'get the f*ck out of the way!'.

    Of course I appologised sincerely and explained I was unaware that mopeds were entitled to requisition my road space without let or hindrance...

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    The first time I rode down there after the bumps were put in I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing. There must be about 20 sets of bumps, some no more than 6ft apart. It is the most bizarre waste of rate payers money I have ever seen. And so petty on behalf of the council, it's the road management equivalent of taking their ball home.

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    even though he didn't apologized there and then I'm sure you put some big questions in his head so hopefully not a wasted conversation

    In the end of the day, lorry drivers are human too, even though it's hard to believe some times

    +1, some people will never admit they are wrong to your face but hopefully your discussion will have planted a seed and when he has time to reflect he will decide to modify his behaviour.
