Bankers will never be endangered. Get real. That statement sounds like something Rick Mayalls character in the "Young Ones" would say. "Right on, smash the rich, if the kids are united..."
You are showing your working class roots! All the upper levels of the socio economic groups in today's society know that the best time of year for fine weather in the Windies is around Easter. Thats why the prices go up this time of year to stop all the hoy poloy from spoiling it
If the working and under classes are clogging up London Bridge next week, I'm off to my little bolt hole in Barbados to relax, swim, eat fine food and drink champage...champagne for everyone ...
Bankers will never be endangered. Get real. That statement sounds like something Rick Mayalls character in the "Young Ones" would say. "Right on, smash the rich, if the kids are united..."
Anarchy my arse....