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Member since Mar 2009 • Last active Apr 2009
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    i enjoyed our pissed pollitical rants over a vietnamese meal when you were down)

    As did I! :)

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    I fear my post has caused this thread to devolve rapidly.

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    He's just sweet!

    Why thank you :)

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    i threw in one of my sister's italian greyhound, giuseppe. she is cruel, but he is also the wimpiest dog ever. he won't go outside in the winter if he's not dressed like that.

    It would be cruel to make him go out in the snow without his suit, all skin and bones... It is the opposite of cruel to sew a custom fleece snowsuit for your little skinny dog pound puppy so that he can come with you to a outdoor party on a winter day. So there.

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    Hi there :)

    Just joined the forum, I am actually kattt's older sister for those who know her... I was in London the other week and went on the Eilidh ride which was a really awesome experience and made me think I'd like to possibly get into fg/ss (that and knowing how much Kat enjoys it).

    I have my grandmother's old Peugeot and I'm trying to salvage the frame to use... I know it's pretty beat and it would be easier just to get a new bike but I think the challenge is part of the fun. Plus, I'll hopefully learn a lot about bikes.

    I believe it's a 1974 UO-18, here's a pre-dissasembly and rust removal pic:

    I know it's a low-end, mass-produced bike and probably not technically "worth" the work and money to make it rideable again, but I'm ok with that ;)

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    Hello there I am kattt's sister.... Liek she said, that's my dog, and he is an Italian Greyhound. They are different from whippets because they're generally much smaller (8-12 lbs.) and not as muscular or athletic. They were bred to be pets, not racers :)

    Here's another pic with my arm in it so you can see how big he is...
