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Member since Mar 2009 • Last active Aug 2010
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    What if it's wild?

    Then it's not a pet? Or have I missed something about what defines a pet?

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    Free app that provides real time GPS tracking - sort of like Google Latitude but more accurate.
    You register your device with you account and when running in the background on your android (or iphone) it will send a GPS co-ordinate every x seconds (which is adjustable)
    It does cane your battery if you don't use it wisely, but you can also send SMS's to it to remote fire the app and provide a location.
    Have been playing with it for a couple of days and it's not bad for something that's completely free

    This is pretty cool, how do you do the SMS remote opening?

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    I'm in a shuffle period of listening to music.

    When something I really like comes on that I haven't listened to for a while, i stop the shuffle and play the album

    This is the best method, for when you have a large quantity of music. You find some real gems pop up you would never think to play without being enticed.

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    The Koss Porta Pros are fantastic for £20, but they do catch on your hair (if your have longish hair).

    They are better than the Wesc Oboe's.

    However neither pair really retain sound so if you like to crank it up, everyone else will hear the effect as well.

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    Violence solves the problem of getting a money when you can't be bothered to get a job and spend your time applying to go on the Jeremy Kyle show.
