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Member since Mar 2009 • Last active May 2014
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  • in Rider Down
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    from such a tragic circumstance, some amazing glimpses of people's mettle. Hats off to Concerned, Spanna and the other rider for being there for a fellow cyclist. Truly admirable.

    To Veronika - wishing you all the strength in the world to help pull you through this. You are in the thoughts and prayers of well-wishers from all quarters, as are those who are close by to support you. Your hands are held by us all xx

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Get in there City!
    this keeps up and Arsenal could walk away with the silverware..

    maybe i'll wait till after Stoke before i post this, that or stay logged in as Sof

  • in Announcements, Help & Testing
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    Shit Sof is still logged in, lets just pretend she is dissing you for now

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    Crouching TIger Hidden Dragon

    number 56 plain rice
    two lots or 42 sweet and sour meat balls
    and 1 lot of prawn cracker things

  • in General
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    what a day! massive congratulations and best wishes to you two on the start of another chapter of your life together. the vows were beautiful and made my eyes leak (thankfully, it's the law to cry at weddings....).

    so lovely to see everyone, really would have loved to stay, drink, chat more and dance but the little fella was calling.

    thank you so much for inviting us all be a part of your day xx

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    RIP Fiddy, i shall miss your insatiable appetite for bloody marys, being able to cadge ciggies when Pip isn't looking, your cheeky, lop-sided smile and fantastic stories of a life well-lived that kept me entertained. that garden shed will be finished in your honour :)

    one of a kind xx

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    still chuckling at the sheer slapstick of it all but my sense of humour is undoubtedly a bit warped right now... :)

    very glad you've got all your limbs intact. come round and exercise the arm lifting a brew soon

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    1. moog
    2. Mrlemon
    3. jonny
    4. Markyboy (as long as I can swap the day I have the kids that w/e)
    5. mattty +1
    6. VeeVee
    7. Jaygee
    8. mc_nebula
    9. Stix
    10. MOC
    11. goodhead
    12. Mobidog
    13. mmccarthy
    14. BlueQuinn
    15. snowy_again
    16. Go! ellis
    17. Dovinder
    18. Multigrooves
    19. Rocksteady
    20. Huge16 +1
    21. JD ( Like your new bike jayloo)
    22. Zed
    23. Bridesmaid Dress Wearer
    24. fluff
    25. Henry
    26. Lileth
    27. hillbilly
    28. miss_socks
    29. Max
    30. Radi-fuckin-us
    31. morgasm
    32. Buddha Fingaz (will do my best to escape Aberdeen for this!)
    33. teenslain (+ SL1210 & mixer)
    34. tootoughtodie
    35. fitzy (YAY!!! In the american vernacular - way to go guys xx)
  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    thank you Dov - i really needed a good laugh :)))
