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Seriously, what's wrong with just answering a question? There's no need to act such a pompous prick about it, while not even answering the question. He asked a question, if you're not gonna answer why waste everyone's time typing something irrelevant.
It's always been the way on here that if you ask something that can easily be searched people will say UTFS and not all the replies will be serious. The question had already been answered anyway, chill out.
I'm after some double cages, has anyone tried these?
Yes I did UTFS too and found some recommendations for Planet X (link below) but they're sold out.
I dismantled the headset completely as suggested, no balls broken but there was a lot of filth and crud. I cleaned it, degreased it, regreased it. I also checked the rear wheel for trueness for good measure and... the problem seems to have stopped! Which is nice. Although I'm still not sure exactly what the problem was... unless the crash angered the latent filth in the headset somehow?!
I thought I had a broken axle lying around somewhere but I couldn't find it, so not checked fork drops (im)precisely at all. However (using eye of Sauron) I realised the outer part of the rim is about 3mm further from one fork blade than the other. Then I flipped the wheel, it was still off in the same direction... I also stuck a finger into the gap each side, tight one side, loose the other. So I'm thinking this could be it... although I had an old pug once where the front wheel was visibly not vertical and it just pulled a bit to one side... :S
I would say unfortunately they probably do