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well my deepest apologies for the new threat, i wasn't paying attention.
you like the cap bit? the bit about the cap is my least favorite bit tbh, the bit i like the most is how much of a putrid cunt our Paolo is and what his mother and father would think if they saw how their darling cherub had taken to telling strangers how much of a smack faced cretin he had become, to the point where he is so deluded that he thinks he gets better grades on a brown come down.
if he was writing profound literary master pieces, enhancing his work with every whiff of smoke he inhales from the blackened foil i would have some respect. not much but some.
if he feels the need to trumpet his genius on a bus to any tom dick or harry on a bus on his way home then i hope he ends up in a secure ward trying to fit as many haribo in his orifices as possible while his mammy and pappy observe him through the glass and think "well at least the others turned out fine"
a few details i left out
he said his name was "Paul, but you can call me Paolo"the cap was a Supreme New Era, looked like this but it was a bike hat looked like a rusty busted up piece of shit, but what do i know, it could have been made of gold but probably just stuffed with brown and pearls of wisdom scratched out on little scraps of paper
have to get this off my chest, and i think it's unfair that I allone should know about it
got on a bus going up kingsland road last night some time after midnight.
bloke got on just after me wearing a courier hat and carrying a frame (maybe just as a talking point) shouting down the phone "have you get brown...brown yeah? No? you got any K then?"
proseeded to enlighten me and my friends how that smoking "brown" was cool. we said he was stupid. he said he must be doing something right and justified this by telling us that he had actually scored 78 in an essay having written it on a heroin come down, compared to his lower grades achieved under more boring conditions.
as if he wasnt cool enought he had to tell us about how his hat was one of four...yes four in london.
his name was Paolo
hey guys,
i have been riding the 2010 model for a year now (since last nov) and want to do some upgrades to lighten it up a bit so thought i'd pick your brains.
for the standard model are the hubs 120mm?
and im a bit sick of the deep rims tbh, any ideas for replacement 700/28 wheels as they're getting on a bit and have a few dinks
oh and i dont know anything about carbon forks, does anyone know the sizes for this bike or any experience with new carbon forks and this bike?
right thats my 3 q's.
first thing i did was change the stupid standard mustache drops to bullhorns. much better and the acceleration is great.
lol i have the same kitchen table and chairs as you spenceey
- K-tee - construction industry and policy
- Ufrasia - Media, Lobbying.
- Greasy - Admin for and CycleSafeLondon
- Skully - AV post production
- Pistanator
- Libi - Media
- CrazyJames - Photography, with contacts in web design/graphic design/branding etc available if needed.
- Multigrooves - Cycletrainer
- Damo
- Georgieboy
- Twist305 (apologies) - Citizens Advice Bureau head office
12.Digger-Cycle Instructor (apologies) - Velocio (apologies) LFGSS, CycleSafeLondon
- Wicksie - graphic design, printing, anything to help, make the tea if need be.
- tomiskinky - Graphic Designer
- Chang - Graphic/motion/web/digital design i've got alot of mates that work in marketing/PR could get some media coverage.
- CheBeef - Work at Law Firm (litigation)
- havingamare - photographer
- loftypavement - student
- williamshatnerpants
- Aroogah - IT Services Exec - commercial, strategic, legal
- CHUG_IT (won't be there but..) Barristers of the highest level
- LdnGrrl. - Lots of free time, will help in any way needed
24.nuknow - Graphic Design
25.Fox - (can't do Tues, could do Wed) marketing/campaigning/PR/lobbying experience - ftony (apol for mtg + not much free time but...) geographer (access to maps, journals, skilled in spatial analysis etc)
- villa-ru - currently unemployed with plenty of free time and prior experience of herding cats
- G_A_Z - Film Editor
- Ade - Exhibition / Event/ set design and build (access to AV/lighting/sound equipment if required )
- chatters
- Wannabe (apologies) barrister (including crime / road traffic)
- JimboJones (apologies) political campaigning, PR
- Oliver Schick (LCC)
- Tea_bee35. Timmy
- jurivacanze1984
- big in the game - safety engineer
- K-tee - construction industry and policy
yeah shark that bit was based on my brother. he chose tangfastic, not what i would have picked but i am a sucked for the cola bottles