Avatar for Arducius


Member since Feb 2009 • Last active Dec 2024
  • 8 conversations

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    Thought that reference would be recent enough for everyone to get but the horse meat scandal was 2013!
    Findus beef lasagne contained up to 100% horsemeat, FSA says

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    Findus Beef Lasagne

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    Finished the second of these models I've been working on. Really pleased with the head (close up is almost finished) as I've struggled with faces to get them looking good. Just so tiny and impossible to get blends right.
    Also really like the tactical ice shard he's standing on, all done with dry brushing.
    I feel I've learned more painting this one model than I have in a long time.
    One thing I'd change would be to smooth out the blends on the shoulder pads but yellow takes forever and it's looking pretty good. Next time I'll remember to keep them separate so I can use the airbrush to get a good gradient.

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    For me its 2/day from Nov 1st till Dec 31

    One can only aspire to such levels of commitment!
    Since moving a couple of years ago I no longer have a ready and plentyful supply just down the road so I'm seriously slacking this season. Only one Coffee #1 pie which I should have known was compensating by it's inflated size which didn't soften the blow of an unsatisfactory mince pie experience :(

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    Can anyone recommend binoculars for a primary-aged child? Emphasis on durability would be good!

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    Thanks, I'm a long way from mastering it but I finally "get" it and actually I think it's going to help improve other aspects of my painting (and slow me down more). I watch a lot of painting vids and they often gloss over the detail without explaining the process ... "just blend these together"... cut to finished product
    There's more to try like adding on some colour to tint the NMM colder or warmer without it taking over but I'm happy so far.

    Love your goblins! I have a larger scale old world night goblin sat on my shelf, primed and looking at me, I must have picked it up at a Games Day over 20 years ago ... maybe its time has come?

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    I got some sticks from them and a small bass amp. Think of them as the Decathlon of the music equipment world - decent enough for the money.

    Can't comment on their cymbals mind.

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    I am very much a beginner, only playing grade 1 & 2 level stuff and when I play along to music I use noise cancelling headphones but when I'm trying to use a metronome etc I realise how loud drums are (sorry neighbours) and should probably be thinking about long term hearing health.

    I'll look into the suggestions, thanks all!

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    Ear plugs: all the same or should I splash out for some Loops?

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    Currently working on a model that regular viewers will recognise, this one for the wolves. Giving NMM a go on the gun sort of worked but it looks wrong. Watched this vid before trying NMM on the shoulder pad rims and think I finally get the technique, going to take a bit of practice to perfect!
