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Member since Jan 2009 • Last active Feb 2009
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    Avatar for jamied

    My first post on the forum, been lurking on and off for a while...

    So on Friday night I was riding home, saw some dodgy looking fella's on the bridge I normally take so I decided to take the cycle path that goes the same way. Little did I know it was covered in icy and hella slippery, by the time I realised it was too late and I was already at quite a speed. Went down like a sack of shit and slid for some distance with my bike bouncing around on top of me. I came off fairly lightly but after closer inspection today my bike didn'e fare too well.

    Both rims are dented and buckled and both tyres have gashes in them, I presume from hitting the ground so hard it pushed the rim through the tyre. Looks like I'm going to have to get two new wheels and a set of tyres.

    I've just replaced the bars and lever and my pedals and bottom bracket need replacing anyway so I'll have practically replaced everything on the bike apart from the frame and forks within a few weeks.

    Anyone know of decent bike shops in Bristol? I'm fairly new to the area, I've been going to a place called Strada on North Street.
