Avatar for Jamfactory


Member since Dec 2008 • Last active Oct 2009
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bristol
    Avatar for Jamfactory

    wikid man, i wanna get filming again - give me a shout when you're next planning on going out man! - gav@jam-factory.com

  • in Bristol
    Avatar for Jamfactory

    My chrome charge plug has come back re-incarnated as the most grotesque colourscheme, and I love it!!

  • in Bristol
    Avatar for Jamfactory

    ahhh man i havent checked the forum in a while, would have been well up for this!

    Trying to kickstart fixie thursdays again too, now the weather is hopefully getting better and lighter nights!

  • in Bristol
    Avatar for Jamfactory

    anyone around tommorow (Thursday) night?

    Now the light nights are upon us (thank christ) trying to be as regular as possible with gathering footage whenever i can!

    So i think me and Louis will be out tommorow for a bit, so if anyone fancies it, maybe a hill climb upto the bridge then stopping off for chips at clifton chip shop, with a ride back down into town to finish off?

    got this tonight, pretty stoked with just the still in itself:

  • in Bristol
    Avatar for Jamfactory

    hahaha, that'd be awesome! get it dude!

  • in Bristol
    Avatar for Jamfactory

    I think this coming Thursday its going to be wet & windy - booooo!

    But, I was thinking, how about the next time we go out - we ride upto Clifton Suspension Bridge and get some photos / footage riding over the bridge?

    Nothing says Bristol more than the ol' beautiful Bridge!

    What do y'all reckons?

  • in Bristol
    Avatar for Jamfactory

    nice one gents, be great to have a convoy!

    @danb - ahh man dont worry about it, Im super crap but it isnt about that at all, just about loving riding man, its all cool!

    Any extra footage and stills is all appreciated, the more the merrier!

  • in Bristol
    Avatar for Jamfactory

    Awesome, shall we say 7pm @ the Cafe Gusto spot?

    I might be lurking over the other side of the river first to film some long shots, so dont worry if you see a shadowy figure with a camera filming you lot!

    Cheers all, see you Thursday

    ~ Gav.

  • in Bristol
    Avatar for Jamfactory

    Im going to be going out with Louis & Alex again thir Thursday, if any of you guys are about?

    Hopefully with a couple of photography friends too, so the more the merrier to get footage & photos!

    Should be able to film a ride aswell, so that'll be good to get a proper convoy of folk on film!!

    Cheers all,

    ~ Gav.
