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There are (by my super quick and imprecise count) over 400 city-based clubs registered on LOBP. Five years ago there were (by my guesstimate) less than 100 in the world.
If we're talking about the "explosive rise" of polo.
How many of those clubs on lobp still play? From my own knowledge, Edinburgh don't, Newcastle don't, Aberdeen occasionally, Copenhagen don't.
At-least up here there has been a decline in interest over the past few years.
This stem length argument is a load of bollocks. Has noone ever noticed that tall people seem to overwhelmingly like long stems and short people seem to like short stems?
We're all trying to ride frames designed to have the front wheel as close as possible to our feet leaving us with all roughly the same toptube lengths despite our differing heights, hence the stem lengths to compensate.
Yes, there are outliers, but they're dafties which can be ignored. What next, are we going to argue on saddleheight?
948mm saddle to bb, ftw! It'll make your bike handle better.