Avatar for RC21


Member since Dec 2008 • Last active Oct 2009
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Most recent activity

  • in Components and clothing
    Avatar for RC21
    1. tika { can you do x-small or womens ts?} thanks
    2. fresh - med t please
    3. Hoops- Medium
    4. maxcrowe - x large tshirt
    5. Rik - XL
    6. old blue eddy - large
    7. Lukeyb - SM
    8. Ahleks - Largo
    9. StupidPony_large please.
    10. teenslain - large (I'd be happy with white on black but will go with the flow)
    11. Steff. Medium
    12. gizmond - Medium
    13. KevinSays - large
    14. Cheesecake_Intl - Medium
    15. Joesmooth - XL
    16. Dasmiller - medium
    17. socialamnesia - small
    18. Daccordi - XL
    19. Momentum - M
    20. Markyboy - XL
    21. Pirat - M
    22. Superprecise - Medium
    23. madrobar--medium please.
    24. wools - medium
    25. supertony007 - large please
    26. Gregory- small
    27. Forms - Large
    28. Bish-medium
    29. gormley-medium
    30. Funkchunk - XL
    31. RC21 - Large


    1. Hoops - Mediun
    2. Rik - XL
    3. maxcrowe - x large (if gold on black)
    4. jameslux - smal
    5. Charco Small/ zipped
    6. gizmond - Large
    7. geoffersmaher (gold or white on black would be nice)
    8. socialamnesia - medium
    9. Pirat - M
    10. Khornight - Large thanks
    11. teenslain - Zipped Large (print on back... Again, would be happy with white on black)
    12. Skully - Zip Large
    13. Si - if traditional no zip - small
  • in Components and clothing
    Avatar for RC21

    spagettihoops / grey / medium
    alockett / green / medium
    tika / green / small (womens)
    marie / white / medium (womens)
    Dylan/ green/ medium (mens)
    OliDale/ one grey & one white/ both medium (mens)
    Dave409787/ grey/ medium (mens)
    Eyebrows / green +white /medium (mens)
    teddy / grey / medium (boys)
    shootthebreeze / white / medium (mens) + green / medium (womens)
    slamm | grey | large
    geoffersmaher / grey / small (mens)
    AdamM / grey / medium (mens)
    harry.major / Green / Large (mens)
    moog / green / small
    veevee / white / medium (womens)
    rg37 / white/ large (mens)
    Soul / Grey / Medium (mens)
    motman / White / Medium (mens)
    ehren_fried_chicken / grey / small
    casparnelson / grey /medium / (mens)
    jaygee / green / medium (mens)
    last_caress / white / medium (mens)
    wools / green / medium (mens)
    Joe.S / grey / large (mens)
    Sweaty / Grey / Small (mens)
    Dr Chan/Green/ medium (mens)
    Buddha Fingaz / Grey / Medium (mens)
    Clefty / Grey /Large (mens)
    Sam / Grey / Medium (mens)
    jim2106 / white / medium (mens)
    adman / grey / medium (mens)
    adman / green / medium (mens)
    motoko / grey / large (mens)
    adman / white / medium (mens) - for my brother
    ved / green / large (i am a man)
    hellomiles / grey / medium (mens)
    mooks / green / medium (men's)
    RC21 / White / Large (men's)

  • in Components and clothing
    Avatar for RC21
    1. Smeear
    2. alockett
    3. Slamm
    4. Moog
    5. Geoffersmaher
    6. OliDale
    7. rg37
    8. Edd 13
    9. forms (depending on style of shirt)
    10. motman
    11. hassanr
      14.Eyebrows - damn you for being too quick
    12. mmccarthy
    13. a|s (would prefer black t-shirt option so maybe white print? - just to complicate things)
    14. Buddha Fingaz
    15. Hellomiles
    16. motoko (ship to the states?)
    17. Dylan
    18. el squire (the bigger the print the better!)
      23.hoops.....good thinkin, i like it when we make stuff for each other!
    19. Andrea
      25.Fresh (if black and white)
    20. Slag (as is no S)
    21. PiQuE (pending final outcome)
    22. Rik
    23. Last Caress. I'll take b/w or colour. Colour is better.
    24. Tika - why so slow to post? :)
    25. plingboot (would quite like it on a grey shirt...)
    26. Jammy (XXL though, on a black t shirt. Don't mind about colours of the print)
    27. jim2106 med possibly large, digging the colours though
    28. RBS def an s and an m in black and white
    29. pistaboy
    30. peterdoig
    31. teew[/quote]
    32. humbert
    33. d14vd_h
    34. ehren_fried_chicken
    35. Dr Chan
    36. 50/14 (if white and black)
    37. RC21(W/B - Large) Bigger the print the better :)
  • Avatar for RC21

    I Love it!

    Love the moves @ 1.30, 2:37 and right at the end :)

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    Avatar for RC21

    Mate - i'm not sure when I'll be able to catch up with you and missed you on Sunday. . . . Could I get it delivered and pay via paypal (or something)?


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    I'd love one mate. . .

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    I think you need a bigger/better warning; that is just wrong.

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    i should be around Brick Lane on Sunday; can I meet up with you then?
    What time would be good for you?

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    Avatar for RC21

    Hi all,

    I've been visiting for ages and signed up to get hold of one of the T-Shirts.
    I haven't got a fixed bike. . . . yet! but I'm working on sorting it out :) Hopefully in the next couple of weeks.

    You may see a couple of questions popping up asking for advice in the future :)

    Anyway; glad to finally have said hello - I may see you about and will try to contribute in the future.

