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Member since Nov 2008 • Last active Dec 2009
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  • in Birmingham
    Avatar for SRD

    Just finished yet another rebuild after a crank snapped before Christmas and smegged my arm.
    Based on a Fred Williams LWS 653.
    You might spy it in the mornings around north Brum.

  • in Birmingham
    Avatar for SRD

    Can be collected from North Brum, between Erdington and Chester Rd stations

    That's not too far from me, I'm in Sutton

    still up for grabs

  • in Birmingham
    Avatar for SRD

    If you are still after a frame then I've a 531 that used to be my fixed (forward facing horizontal dropouts). It's about 21inch, paint work is really really grotty, with a bit of surface rust coming through but structurally sound. It's an old Jacque Anquetil "mallet journe", inc fork and headset.
    Can be collected from North Brum, between Erdington and Chester Rd stations. £20 should make me happy.

    Still got this?

    yep, still availible if you are interested?

    I'm guessing that I can't do PMs 'cos I don't have the post count so you can contact me on sxd240 (at) bham.ac.uk

    with an @ for the (at)

  • in Birmingham
    Avatar for SRD

    Any cheap 52-53cm road frames.

    If you are still after a frame then I've a 531 that used to be my fixed (forward facing horizontal dropouts). It's about 21inch, paint work is really really grotty, with a bit of surface rust coming through but structurally sound. It's an old Jacque Anquetil "mallet journe", inc fork and headset.
    Can be collected from North Brum, between Erdington and Chester Rd stations. £20 should make me happy.

  • in Birmingham
    Avatar for SRD

    I've noticed a slow increase over the last ten years (even seen a couple of fixies!).

    Seems to me that Birmingham is not as enticing to cyclists as, say, Oxford, Cambridge or London. It's more spread out, there are more hills, no congestion charge, the universities don't ban the students having cars etc. And, of course, the road system is designed for the car, although that too is changing slowly with the destruction of the concrete collar.

    I don't think that the cycling facilities help much either...take the canals, suggested as a nice safe way into the city - an excuse for the council not doing anything to make the roads better for cyclists more like. Canals are slow, grotty, unlit, wet'n'muddy and can abound with druggies, drunks, flashers and assorted miscreants - how is that meant to be any better than the roads? Fine to use for a leisure pootle on a Halfrauds full sus MTB on a Saturday afternoon in the summer, but if you want to use them to do any distance t any speed on a road bike then forget it.

    I started using NCN5 more - now I by-pass parts of it and use the roads to escape the cyclists - not a complaint: more cyclists is a good thing!
