Avatar for PicKle


Member since Nov 2008 • Last active Nov 2024
  • 3 conversations

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    Avatar for PicKle

    Hello long time... my dear friend has just had a bike stolen yesterday from Brixton hill, he would really like it back its very dear to him. If anyones see this bike could you please get back to me thanks

  • in General
    Avatar for PicKle

    Oh haaay !! Still in London town, just don't post these days. Hows tricks?

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    I'm sure there are lot of people on here who will keep an eye out for your bike, babe. I have faith in GOOD people out there.

  • in General
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    Erm... why you such a hater? Girls just got her bike nicked, and your banging on about the brakes. Seems LFGSS hasn't changed its still full of keyboard warriors. Pick a proper battle, and don't hate. Maybe you should get out and ride your bike?

  • in LFGSS Ladies
    Avatar for PicKle

    For the first time in many weeks I don't have a hangover on a Sunday morning. If this is going ahead today I'm in!

    1. Poots
    2. blackspring
    3. blowfish
    4. Kat
    5. kate
    6. bendix
    7. ms.chris
    8. Un-Pickled
  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for PicKle

    I was thinking about doing this, but I never even found out where or when it was happening.

  • in LFGSS Ladies
    Avatar for PicKle

    Whoop! in!

    1. Long&Winding (might be up for riding back) Y / Y
    2. KT Bee (absolutely riding back) Y / N
    3. ms.chris N / N
    4. Cafewanda (up for riding back) Y / Y
    5. Yasi (will ride back as cannot afford public transport) N/Y
    6. jayloo (anyone want to ride back?) pretty sure / pretty sure
    7. clefty (might be up for riding back) Y / Y
    8. MotherGirl (deffo up for riding back) Y / N
    9. murtle (girls name :)
    10. jenny j and oscar j (not riding back...need to double check we can get the double bike on the train tho) Y / N
    11. Stix (may well be up for riding back) Y / Y
    12. Stiff Link (probably up for riding back) N / Y
    13. nelaii (riding back fo sho!) Y / Y
    14. Scout Finch (probably up for riding back)
    15. tanya g (probably up for riding back) Y / Y
    16. pootsmanuva (may also be up for riding back) N / Y
    17. Scoot (totes riding back) Y / M(aybe)
    18. Wicksie N Y return ticket please
    19. Mrs. Wicksie N Y return
    20. MissMouse (might be up for riding back) Y / Y
    21. PicKle (Y/Y)
  • in LFGSS Ladies
    Avatar for PicKle

    Orly, is it every week? Can't this week cause i'm working late. Definately come down next week.

  • in LFGSS Ladies
    Avatar for PicKle

    Would have loved to come on this ride, but I'm at Glasto. Gutted.
