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Member since Oct 2008 • Last active Jun 2009
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    On the recommendation of a friend I took myself off to Roger at Mosquito for a fitting. It was a very interesting 2 hours during which Roger pretty well re-engineered my position on the bike while working out the optimal geometry.

    By coincidence I was heading down to Bristol for a family gathering so I called Robin and arranged a meeting. He has seen Rogers work before and respects it but he did suggest some tweaks.

    We had a fascinating chat and we eventually got down to the spec of my frame. Very exciting stuff, if you ask me. I am also down for a build in Spring so I'm hoping to take my place on the Etape Caledonia start-line aboard a Robin Mather bicycle!

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    I am on Rob's list too. I pinged him a couple of weeks ago when he changed the wording on his site and he replied to say that he's working through his back-order. Relax!

    I'm interested to know more about how people are arriving at their final geometry. How much of this does Rob help with and how much do you rely on other measurements (like CycleFit)?

    I'm no expert here, but a while back I got it into my head that I needed to own a really nice steel bike and the next thing I knew I'd forked out for a place on Rob's waiting list.
