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well in that case i think you have to do a lot of studying buddy. are some links just for starters. bet you cant last a month in japan without the support of your staff or an ass[B][/B]istant. mr business man.
you 'guest' incorrectly.
i worked for a japanese company and travelled there many times.
let me guest you probably been to japan as a tourist and only seen the smoke and mirror of japan such as the fashion and great shopping and tourist area. you have no idea about how difficult to be a foreigners in japan. for starters we all have to get a alien card. we are often called "gajin" which means outsiders. shall i go on and list the bullshit that is living in japan. or would you like to know more bullshit about njs frames like the fact that theres a rumor that 3rensho Yoshi Konno was a drunk and hes been arrested before for a hit and run. theres more and more . . .
i hope you're not suggesting that the Japanese are insular and xenophobic, young man!
hey you guys dont have to be jerks about it. just because im in japan doesnt mean i have to ride a njs frame. they are way over rated. if you lived here and know as much about njs as i do then you would understand why i wouldnt ride one. one of the main goals for njs is to keep products from our countries out. i think thats pretty lame.
hey im very interested in your frame.
its very nice. i just moved to japan and im having a hard
time finding a frame. they're all too small. is your frame still for sale?
how much do you think it would be to ship to japan? it should be around 40pounds right?
please let me know. i would love to be the new owner of your frame and would take great care of it. thanks
did you get my email?