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I'm sorry, I have no right to be on this forum as I do not live in London nor do I ride bikes but I just HAD to register (got here via an unrelated google search) I had to register just to say...
This red-haired 60s/70s/whatever it was kid is pretty much the most gorgeous man on the internet. Except for maybe David Tennant.
I'm probably going to get kicked off now, I just wanted to pay that compliment.
(If you're wondering about me, I'm a chick from Australia. who has a thing for readheads.)
I just stumbled across this when googling my username and had a good old laugh at the thread of comments which followed my random post regarding the cute ginger on this page:
Haha. The things you find, replies to a post I made 2 years ago.
And I am indeed surprised to learn it wasn't taken in the 60s/70s. if hipster kids really do look like that these days... I need to hang out with more hipsters!!
Cheers for the laughs.