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Member since Oct 2008 • Last active Jan 2018
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    Hi Graeme,
    I had a arthroscopic removal on my right knee, about half of my meniscus after tearing my ACL about six years ago, I was riding about within about three weeks of the arthroscopy and it didn't seem to cause me any pain that i can remember. However I then had an ACL autograft 6 months or so later which required almost 9 months without any serious physical activity and a fairly strict rehab plan.
    My knee is now fairly decent, I am still able to ride my fixed gear (51/20 gearing) without it being an issue, if anything I personally think that it has helped keep my quadriceps strong, as per the advice of my surgeon and physio
    Good luck with getting back on your bike,
    It was recommended that I look into glucosamine supplements, as there's a greatly increased risk of osteoarthritis with a damaged meniscus. That might be of interest to you also.

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    ey, that it is.
    one of the most rancid and pointless inventions since the internal gyro that KHE tried to offer the world a few yeahs back.
    if it ain't broke don't maker an ugly poorly working version of it. that what i say

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    you'll be fine, if it's not too severe a cartilage tear then you should be able to use your knee as normal even before the surgery.
    And if you do get the op done then it's a day case and you should be out within a matter of hours.
    I had mine done a few years ago and was back riding my BMX within a month.
    Just rest it until you think it feels as it should.
    glucosomine is a good suggestion, but again, i'm not convinced.
    i did end up tearing my ACL and having most of my cartilage removed so i guess that's mhy.
    good luck with the recovery

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    i've been listening to this again recently
    YouTube - Zomby - Spliff Dub (Rustie Remix)

    rusty definitely has his moments.

    went to the El-B launch the other week
    Kode9 and Flying lotus played after
    it was heavy

    Loefah this sunday??/

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    he's been riding since '82
    not a lot has changed
    he just got manlier

    this is quite interesting... (if you find this sort of thing interesting)

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    i hope this works
    Jay Miron - MacNeil DVD on Vimeo

    Jay Miron in the 1st MacNeil video.

    this guy was amazing. shame he stopped riding
    i guess there's only so long you can ride like that for before you can't move anymore

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    has this been done by anyone before?


    it'll probably take a while to get any decent amount of pressure going
    but a nice idea

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    [/quote] +1 EMPIRE sticker

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    i'll be in on some wednesday sessions once this cast is off
    (3 weeks left)
    especially now the clocks have gone forward
    make the most of those light evenings whilst they're about
    might need to get a bigger chainring though. 28-10 is too damn light since i put 51-20 on my big bike
