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Member since Sep 2008 • Last active Oct 2009
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    whats everyone squatting? I'm going 5x6 reps at 140kg twice a week on top of the usual 40k circuit and one hill session a week.

    I'm walking like a cowboy buggered by a horse most of the week

  • in Track Cycling and Velodromes
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    The anteres rollers are slightly concave, so allegedly it encourages the bike to drift to the center of the rollers.

    I have the minora, it didn't take too long to get used to them. Like everyone has said, you just need t get into it. I wasted myself coming off, it was more embarassing then painful though.

  • in Track Cycling and Velodromes
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    You guys are awesome.

    Gizmond I get you on the deadlifts, but for bench pull exercises do you mean things like rows and flys?

    Dino are you saying I should cut to two gym sessions a week, mix my days to include full body exercises, or add two days of full body?

  • in Track Cycling and Velodromes
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    resurrecting an old thread, but it's winter over here in New Zealand and I need some advice.

    I started going to beginner sessions halfway through last season and had an awesome time despite not really knowing what I was doing. Some time passed and I gained some understanding of the different race types and distances. So far my strengths have been in the sprints. I'm looking to expand on this, and so far this winter I have been riding 45 to 70 kms a week (excluding commutes), and attend the gym at least three times a week. I try to get in one day of hill sets a week.

    I guess I'm looking for advice in improving my sprint, am I missing any important gym exercises (typically have two days of squats and deadlifts, and a day of chest tri's back etc with a days rest between each). More importantly am I wasting my time in the gym?

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    all I can say is I rate my 7710 cranks hard. Super stiff

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    My headset had some play after a crash at the velodrome, I just loosened the stem and the bolt on top and gave it a whack until it set itself right. I'm wondering if the spongey-ness is because of how thin the fork is where it enters the head tube

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    has anyone with an 08 or 09 found the fork quite spongey? when I'm at the track it feels like I'm riding around with an inch of travel.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    My LBS has this subtle piece of bike porn......

    You pedal as normal, then to engage the 2nd higher gear you pedal backwards - whilst still travelling forwards - WTF ? Imagine doing 20 odd mph through the traffic, then for swift overtaking - oh yeah pedal backwards 8-{

    The feeling at speed must be bizarre

    there are internal hubs that do the same thing, call kick back hubs I think. there were heaps of Raleigh 20's that had these

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    its the sugino messenger crank logo

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    maybe slide a pipe or wrench over the allen key to gain more leverage
