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Member since Aug 2008 • Last active Apr 2012
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    Oh, and of course feel free to copy any of them.
    Copyleft, innit ;-) ([ame]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyleft[/ame])

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    Here are some photos from last Saturday's beginners' session"

    Please let me know if you can't see it for any reason. I've made the photos only visible to people who have the link.

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    oops, I'm a bit late for this, aren't I........

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    ps: see you at the Classic, poots! X

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    I'd love to come along to this sometime.

    I went to a beginners' track session at HH about a year ago, found it a little terrifying, but after a while enjoyable. Being a short arse, I was on one of the diddy Fuji kids' bikes with 650c wheels and did struggle to keep up a bit! (I'm not blaming that on the wheels though! ;) )

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    Internet images sharing and effect on art is roughly the research I am currently doing... :-D

    interesting!! does it make people more or less keen on going to see art in the flesh........ ;) I guess it's a bit like the mp3 download debate innit - does it do damage or bring things to a wider audience.....

    (I'm sure your research is deeper than that :D )

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    Hi Piuyin! ooh yes, might be up for that. And Tuesday.

    Actually I've been meaning to set up a Picassa thingamybob so will do that and stick the photos up here soon :)

  • in LFGSS Ladies
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    Han(nah!) here.
    Just wanted to say a big THANKYOU to Jonie and the other polo laydee tutors for running the session on Saturday afternoon and generally being brilliant.

    Despite being a bit too gung-ho and tripping myself up with the polo stick on a few occasions :D I absolutely LOVED it and had a fantastic afternoon. So much fun and lovely to meet everyone.

    I deffo want to come along to the Peckham one sometime. I took lots of pics so if I can find a way of taking them off facebook and sticking them up here I will. :)

  • in LFGSS Ladies
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    Hi Han
    Firstly, welcome to the site! Think there's been a misunderstanding as I very much do have a bike and had it since May (before I joined the forum). It's a custom Hewitt frame and I'm so in love with my bike!

    Ah, glad to hear it. Custom frame - wow! :)

    I had a test-ride on my IRO HD a few days ago - I love it soooooo much. It's lovely to have a bike that's the right size! They're just gonna fit the handlebars then I'm ready to go.
