Member since Aug 2008 • Last active Aug 2008- 0 conversations
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“Looks like a dunk, but acts like Lance’s cleat.” That statement sums up the power and impact of the Nike Dunk Gyrizo, a shoe specifically designed for BMX racing. The Gyrizo, which is Greek for wheel, is actually built on the same cycling last as Lance Armstrong’s cleat. The external portion of the shoe looks like Nike’s wildly popular Dunk model, but the design of the internal plate transfers power in the up and down strokes of the rider. A strap on the upper and a lace pocket keep laces out of the rider’s spokes while a durable outsole compound was integrated to accommodate a wider bike pedal. Kevlar lace and metal grommets are also used to maximize durability. Rubber and thinner midsole on the shoe allow a rider to walk easily before and after races.
The outcome is a shoe that does not only look good, but is functional at the same time, and more you cannot ask for. We also hear rumors, that the design of the shoe has been done by TET of WTAPS.Yeah, I'm not sure who told you that TET or whatever designed the shoe.. cause he didnt..
The Dunk SPD, has a cycling plate in it, with modified midsole and outsole. Its not like
a regular dunk, as its has a softer moulded Phylon (like the presto Dunk) side wall, not a Cupsole. In short, you get better pedal feel, more cushion. The models shown were specifically for the Olympics only, hence the proper shit colours. Good shit to follow..
I forgot to say, I've been riding them for the past week.. they are a good cross between
riding flats and clipping in..