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Member since Aug 2008 • Last active Aug 2008
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    Unless specifically permitted in an insurance policy, using a vehicle under race conditions, whether on a closed circuit, track or the open road invalidates the insurance because of the potential effects on the performance of the vehicle. You'll find insurance companies and their loss adjusters have a habit of making it their business.

    Therefore, if you've raced, you are now commiting insurance fraud.

    How did you get to be too dumb to understand that?

    Try Google for an explanation of "Trackday" and "Race" while your there try looking up "fuckwit"

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    Avatar for buslanesformotorbikes

    Saw one of the funniest crashes ever last week, sitting at a set of red lights in Brixton, first pushbike pushes past me and through the red light, only to be collected by two others going the other way. PMSL bits of pushbike everywhere, no one really injured but they all blamed a bus driver and a black cab for "obscuring their view" no mention about running red lights.

    You should be insured minimum 3rd party as a road user, not for your benefit but so everybody else has a comeback against your red light jumping and generally shit roadcraft.

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    When you get to buy insurance and road tax, feel free to comment on ROAD USERS, until then fuck off lycra clad cnuts.
