Avatar for Charlie_The_Bikemonger


Member since Jul 2008 • Last active Jan 2009
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    awesome... train to london from dorset, ride to paris, stopping at many bars and sleeping rough, head for St malo, seacat ferry to channel islands, and then back to dorset

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    Avatar for Charlie_The_Bikemonger

    I have found his legs to be unreliable, his knees are just rubbish.
    Personal hygene could be better
    Pretty damned good in bed
    Handy surfer and skateboarder
    stay up too late hanging out on the finest web forums
    His children often steal all the sweets before his customers can get them
    His hair is umanagable and often in a dreadful white guy afro
    Cant dance unless drunk
    Tends to ride fixed cross bikes offroad to pubs on hills.

    If anyone wants a light hearted and/or offensive and/or cryptic sticker just email me and we can send some out to you.

  • in Rides & Races
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    oooh that is so tempting. I have a lovely prince of wales tweed number, and a shop full of tweed caps.

    Where is this?

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Brilliant, a bike site with pictures of food. I will be back tomorrow with my french onion soup with cheesy crouton things... If you ever find you are not farting as much as you would like, this brown gold is the cure.

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    Bikes are cool, its always interesting and/or nice to see a bike. I dont really care what colour they are, and they make great memorials... much more impact than a couple of lines in the local paper, which will be in the recycling box within a week.
    What cycling does not need is a bunch of rules on how to use your bike and what colour it should be.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Some sweet bike there... but carbon frames just dont get me going

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    another tip... make sure your chainring is mounted centrally on your cranks, then you wont have any slack or tight spots.

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    I found some crazy stuff in there: a cycle trailer tent that you tow behind your bike, and some real nice looking pure wood bars.
