Avatar for GazzaP


Member since Jul 2008 • Last active Aug 2008
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  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for GazzaP

    One thing I did with my hammeriting (and mine is the smooth type) was to thin down the paint a bit and do 3 coats rather than 1 thick coat. Seems to have helped...
    After 6 days of on/off trains guards vans it has a couple of nicks but not 'chips' as such, and as said previously it is dead easy to touch up. :-)

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for GazzaP

    I was lucky to have had the rims in the back of the garage for years- I am too tight fisted to buy owt like them these days! LOL

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for GazzaP

    I knew someone would mention that- LOL

    Big lad + big hills to go (up and) down + big wuss= 2 brakes....for now.

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for GazzaP

    My first self built fixie. With HUGE inspiration from this forum- many thanks!

    501 (Puch, I think) frame, hand painted with hammerite, as it goes on and off train guards vans all week...it's gonna get scratched up :-(
    The rest a mix of bits I had (rims especially) and waiting for mega-bargains on ebay.
    Most expensive part- £15 'On-one' track hub. perfect 42mm chainline- silent to ride and pretty light.

    £85 total to build.

    I've only had it on the road a week and I must have done 120 miles already. Love it!
    I'm like a proud dad!

    Cheers again for all for the inspiration.

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for GazzaP

    spocalc was accurate its spreadsheet. you need the excel application.

    Hi mate,
    I don't doubt the calculators are accurate- it's my measuring I don't trust. LOL

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for GazzaP

    Hi- I hope it is OK to butt in on this thread, I have a similar spoke length problem/lack of confidence...
    I have rebuilt quite a few wheels, by using the same rim and hub, therefore just buying the same size spokes as previous (or even re-using existing spokes, if I have replaced rims like for like).
    But this time I have a rim and just bought a hub and not at all confident that I am measuring the hub dims correctly. I keep getting varying results from different spoke calculators!

    My rim is a CXP14 and I have just bought one of these http://www.on-one-shop.co.uk/acatalog/HUOOLFTH32RBK.jpg, if someone would be kind enough to tell me exactly what to measure and how, or if by chance anyone knows the dim's already that would be great. I am going to build 3 cross pattern it will be 32 spokes.

