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that's great thanks, spocalc seems very useful.
does anyone know of any decent rear wheels that can be bought pre-built that are cheap? this was the main reason i was going to try and build it because it seems to be really hard to get hold of a built one even though all the parts are readily available...
hi all
first of all i'll say hi, been riding a ss roadie for a while now and thinking about the idea of going fixed.
i'm looking for a fixed back wheel and was thinking about trying to build my own. i've pretty much narrowed the hub choice down the system ex as it seems to be decent quality and cheap for a first build. what rims would people recommend, cheapish and good quality?
secondly, does anyone know where i can find rim and hub dimensions to calculate spoke length, and also if there are any decent online shops selling spokes?
sorry for all the questions in my first post.
thanks for all the help everyone, greatly appreciated, i'm starting to narrow down my choices.
another question though, do spoke nipples come in different lengths and does this matter? such as on cyclebasket they are "ACI 16mm nipples" and it says "required for some deep section rims." Does this mean I need shorter ones if I'm not using deep section rims?