Member since Jun 2008 • Last active Dec 2013Most recent activity
Here's TigerLily, or T-Lo as we often call her. She's wedged herself between a cushion and my bag.
This is a slightly confused looking photo of Smudgie (grey tabbie), Little Bee (black and ginger) and William all having a bit of a love-in. On my lap. And Pam, the slightly autistic cat, is sleeping peacefully in the background on the Missus.
Little Bee and T-Lo playing. This was taken quite a while ago as they don't have much to do with each other now. They were so close as kittens.
Little Bee and Will. She's absolutely besotted with him. Follows him everywhere. Constant biffing of face and invitations to play. She'll think nothing of climbing in his bed and sleeping practically on top of him. He pretends to be mildly vexed by the attention but is actually very fond of her too.
Hey all! Has been a while so thought I'd drop by. :)
Dammit - I always go with chicken stock (made fresh not shop bought cos its too salty) or tuna water. Always perks mine up. Helps stimulate appetite if there is none. Hope Tesla is feeling better soon.
Mine have been absolute superstars since I've been ill and housebound. I would have gone insane without them I think. William, our jack Russell is suffering a little because he doesn't get off the lead so much now the missus walks him and I can't. I'm currently searching out a dog walker that can take me (in a wheelchair) and will for a walk once a week. Would you believe that several have already refused the job because they are not insured to push me? It's gonna be trickier to find one than I first thought.
The cats are all getting on famously. Can't believe we have four cats and no disagreements! I sometimes forget we have 4 because it's so peaceful.
Right, enough chat, I'll dig out some pics. :)
I would, James SW, but I sincerely doubt you'll enjoy a cat who likes to swim in the neighbours pond in the early hours of the morning and then try to get in bed with you.
Marxist - yes, saddle still available.
Thanks for the bumpses. :)