Avatar for usukmetendoller


Member since Jun 2008 • Last active Jul 2010
  • 3 conversations

Most recent activity

  • in Rides & Races
    Avatar for usukmetendoller

    if this many people turn up it would be amazing!!!
    i'm still well up for it!

  • in Rides & Races
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    1. MA3K
    2. Shinscar
    3. gabes
    4. Slag
    5. robin
    6. Superprecise
    7. Kirth
    8. Broker
    9. dancing james
    10. livingasleep
    11. PinkGottiMobbs
    12. Jacqui - Doing as she is told!
    13. Rik
    14. Peej
    15. Donut! (if I'm in the country)
    16. wools
      18.tika [i was cut]
      19.rocksteady [he was cut too]
    17. hillbilly (I'll follow from where ever it starts, cause i swing the other way.)
    18. JOL
    19. Villa-Ru
    20. Last Caress. Ride ride ride!
    21. Somebody
    22. crabtree
    23. fresh
    24. Jesus
    25. Ved
    26. Marcoisapolo
    27. Dj
    28. shootthebreeze
    29. Crispin Glover
    30. Simon J
    31. pajamas
    32. skullbags
    33. Cornelius Blackestfoot (Should be back and riding albeit slowly by then)
    34. tomasito - hopefully on the new bike, and depending upon date of ride.
    35. MaxW
    36. Will
    37. Hipster
    38. dandy horse
    39. usukmetendoller
  • in Rides & Races
    Avatar for usukmetendoller

    The last one i went on was WICKED!!!
    Count me in....
    any date is good just need to know when it's be sorted

  • in General
    Avatar for usukmetendoller

    OH MAN i'm from notts and when i go to visit me mam i always take me fixie and yes those hills are a pain the the arse but i was thinking about asking if there was any riders up there because there bloody should be fixie riders everywhere....
    what bike you riding bozo??

  • in General
    Avatar for usukmetendoller

    You are a true gent for sorting this out!
    should be fun!

  • in General
    Avatar for usukmetendoller

    i'm with VanUden!

    parks are to open to twats and the rogers! if someone can spare the space i do think a garden would be better!! or even a pub!

  • in General
    Avatar for usukmetendoller

    So how many people are coming to this?
    Is it confirmed for the 10th?????

  • in Rides & Races
    Avatar for usukmetendoller

    This looks WICKED!
    not sure how many events i'll actaully join but sounds like its been a hoot in the past....
    I'm there!!!

  • in Cycle Touring and Bikepacking
    Avatar for usukmetendoller

    Like i said earlier.... going to paris for a ride seems a wicked idea....aug. is not good for me but sept sounds alot more like it!!!

    So the other dates seem cool with me.....hope we can do this...
    who's binging the video camera lol this thing will need to be documented lol
