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It's fucked up these days because of water (and ducks) on the 'playground'
I don't play polo yet (need a bike for)
but guys are going to other spots, like "invalides" (I know that some guys here are already in touch with people in Paris, but...):
you'll find some pics here:Polo topic on the french fixies forum :
**Pictures :
And more :
**http://panambikepolo.blogspot.comSo if you or other people here are planning to come to PARIS:
Go to this website to check the spots and tell the french guys about it (if you want to meet people) : -
Hi, I am new hereI am from France (Paris-Tour Eiffel-Fromage-Grenouilles-Ratatouille-Champs Élysées)
Let me introduce you "Purple Reine",
my first fixie (working on a 2nd one now)In France, we call the road bicycle "Petite Reine" that's a phonetic word-game...
(anyway )I still have to work on some details (seatpost, pedals leather straps, for ex...)
I only got bad picts right now, but I will post some better later.
Ok, I was finally pissed off, so I took the two rings (i don't know how you call that) and a hammer :
and BIMB BAM BOUM on them.
It fits..just....limit...
i scratched my fork as you can see on the picture, becasue of my first smashed ring test.
just to inform people :
if you've got a fork arm around 3cm, and are planning to buy this brake...
you can "bim-bam-boum"...
it fits...and works.thanks todd for your help, anyway...
No cause i guess it will be the same brake excepted the small parts.
I could change the small parts only, but:my leg fork is 30mm so the oval one won't feet too.
I could change the fork but i don't want, i was wondering of someone had the same matter and fixed it with a trick (small part from some tools shops, fitting...)
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