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Member since Jun 2008 • Last active Oct 2009
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    Haven't posted here before but been looking around the forums a while now.

    Just thought I better post a suspected stolen bike I may have seen last night:

    Was walking home down the Kingsland end of Engelfield Road, East London, around 11-15 - 11.45pm when I saw a pikey with a cap on a clapped out piece of shit riding along the pavement pushing a lovey fixie by his side with his free hand. Pretty sure he'd just nicked as it looked out of place.

    The fixie in question looked like a 53-58 ( ? difficult to tell its size) frame and was black - no decals from what i could tell, and had bull bars with no tape, and was definitely fixed... look pretty sweet.

    Does this correspond to any bike that might have been stolen last night by users of this forum who might have been in the area?
    Sorry there's not a lot I could have done was pretty drunk and didnt fancy my chances...
