Member since Jun 2008 • Last active Jun 2008Most recent activity
So today my front wheel got stolen and it occurred to me than even though the thief has been caught on camera, nothing much will happen.
And I got angry.Trouble is being angry won't help, and my friends don't want to hear me bitching....
I propose that people who have been wronged vent their anger here. And if anyone has any advice on how to get over the loss it is welcome.
For instance:
If I ever catch the bastard who stole my wheel, I'm gonna find his mum, beat her to death with a frying pan then wait for the funeral. At said funeral I'll hide until my opportune moment and then jump out grab the corpse and then beat HIM with her until he pays for a replacement.
Then I'll straiten my tie.
And kick him in the nads.
Then leave.Aaaaaaaah. Much better.
Aye, never.