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Member since May 2008 • Last active Aug 2009
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    couple of times ive had some pills and had the brilliant decision to go for a ride. it is amzingly fun to do, but afterwoods i always praise the bikes gods that i came out unscathed and feel guilty about how reckless ive been.

    Bin there. Crazy fun at the time - next day the "What the fuck were we thinking of?!" feeling kicks in. Never again.

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    Ah, but my first F.I. life was in fact Stanley as a civvie. I think that beats your MPA hands down ;-)

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    Berets are great for winter, gonna be massive this year! ;)

    Can't they just make em smaller? or will they shrink in the wash

    Guide to shaping berets - As per the Army:

    1. Get two bowls of water - one as hot as you can bear, one cold.
    2. Soak the beret in the hot water until it is completely saturated (DON'T get the leather band around the bottom wet, or you'll never get it on your head again)
    3. Wring it out.
    4. Transfer the beret in the cold water until saturated (Watch that leather though)
    5. Wring it out.
    6. Repeat 2-4 a couple more times.
    7. Finishing with the hot water, wring it out and put it on your head.
    8. Shape it into whatever style you like - Che Guevara, Renee from 'allo aloo', whatever you like.
    9. keep the thing on your bonce for about half hour then take it off very carefully, keeping it in it's shape.
    10. Leave to dry overnight.
    11. Et Voila. One beret shaped to you that you can fold, twist, crumple up and will always return to it's shape, whilst fitting well.

    Good luck hipsters.

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    Born in Durham, now live in Hackney, E9 massive. Via Darlington, Falkland Islands, Darlington again, Reading, Walsrode (Germany), Nicosia (Cyprus) and Golders Green

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    First of all, how on earth does a cyclist force a motorbike anywhere, let alone into a bus lane?

    Secondly, How do you ride fast enough to zigzag through traffic safely? Surely if you are zigzagging, the traffic is moving fairly slowly anyway (slow enough for it to hinder cyclists). I would have though zigzagging at high speed is a sure fire way to get dead.

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    Brilliantly told Sano

    +1 for the COMPLETELY FUCKING DESTROYED line. Burst out laughing just as about 5 people walked into my office.

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    SOunds like you all had a right laugh

    Will be up for it next week if you are planning it

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    I started a Facebook group for this purpose. Other than a few friends, there was no take-up as far as posting pic and reg plates.

    That's because Facebook sucks balls

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    Guessing at least one of you's had a bit of a spill?

    Was gutted to not be coming, but have just spent the last two hours having lunch witha very nice girl in a very nice restaurant on St. Martins Lane and am now in a very nice merry way. All set for the afternoons work in a slightly drunken haze :) :)
