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Member since Apr 2008 • Last active May 2008
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  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for SebC

    will check again, but i am quite sure its 130mm, it is an older mountain bike, not sure if this makes a difference.

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for SebC

    I was mainly thinking of the london fixie shops bolt on gear solution as it seemed fairly simple, and not too pricey. remember i am just looking to commute and city ride on this bike. i looked for 130mm spaced fixed or flip flop hubs but dont seem to be many out there, and the ones i did find seemed pretty expensive and aimed at track cycling. if anyone knows a source of cheaper 130mm hubs wopuld love to know.
    seems that there isnt a one best solution, but different ways to convert my bike.
    so can i ask with 130mm spaced dropouts how would you do it, for cheapness and simplicity.

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for SebC

    Hi guys
    just beginning my first fixed project, got an old mountain bike, with suitable dropouts. just like to run some things by you as i am not very familar with doing this kind of thing.
    My bike has a 130mm spacing between the dropouts, was thinking of getting a disc brake hub with a bolt on cog from london fixie bike shop, this is mainly because seems easy to set up, and easy to swap cog sizes. if i buy one for a 135mm spacing will i have any problems, i presume just few mm of axle stick out to the side?

    i am worried about my chainline, read a few articles, sheldon etc... seems very important. if i run a single chainring cog, where will that sit compared to my three cogs at the moment, i presume same as the outer larger cog, which i measure chainline at about 55mm, seems big??? most websites etc talk about chainlines in the low 40s. but as long it matches the rear cog doesnt really matter, does it??

    any help appreciated before i splash the cash on something really silly..


  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for SebC

    Hi guys
    i'm pretty new here, and new to fixed bikes in general, but am thinking of taking the plunge and converting an old road bike. first off need a old bike/frame, right? read alot about how important no vertical dropouts are, my question, how horizontal do they have to be,seen alot of bikes with half way between vertical and horizontal, are these suitable?? bearing in mind i am quite new to this and want to keep things as simple as i can.
    thanks for the advice
