Member since Mar 2008 • Last active Nov 2009- 0 conversations
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Velorution has developed Velocommute, an Open Source Implementation Pack, that any employer can use, without limiting the choice of bikes for the employees.
Even if your employer has signed up with Evans, they can still implement the scheme internally and allow you to buy a bike anywhere. It is generally much simpler for them, rather than using the voucher schemes
If your employer has any questions, I will be happy to help. We have been very successful in convincing many local employers in dealing directly with us, even if they already had a link with cyclescheme, evans, etc...
Funny how whenever you smash a car's side mirror, the police always threatens to charge you for criminal damage. (Mind you: it is generally a threat to dissuade you from complaining about dangerous driving).
Definitely complain to
A clarification has been posted on the Velorution website:
Everyone is always welcome to come to Velorution, even if it is just for asking for advice; although fixed wheel bikes are not our forte, we do offer a good range of reliable city bikes.
The gentleman who claims to have written several letters to authorities may have the courtesy to send a copy to me, at
The reason I posted the comment above is that we still get people unearthing that can of worms. I wish to make our position clear. It was a mistake I made and I apologise.