Avatar for crispin


Member since Mar 2008 • Last active Mar 2008
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    @Smallfurry replied
  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for crispin

    thanks, point taken....

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for crispin


    help and advice if anyone can spare a few minutes. I have been commuting all over london for a couple of years on my trek 7.5Fx and think id like a single speed. Mainly for simplicity but also lets be honest for the looks. I have see a lots of the bigger brand names, langster, le monde etc. I have always had a soft spot for a surly steamroller and have recently taken a look at the on-one pompino model. however as you may have guessed im not a bike expert despite doing a lot of cycling.

    Any advice or reccomendations would be helpful. Im pretty tall 6'4" and 85kg so some people say i shoukd go for a steel frame. My budget is upto £600 so i think the old condor pista is a bit out of range although i love the look of the classico.

    Many thanks
