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kboy [quote]hael [quote]minimal Am I right in thinking that all the stealing happens during the ' lock in' ? If so, thats prob why the landlord wont mention it publicly as it might draw attention to illicit afterhours drinking, no?
I dont think its your classic "lock in" just the agreement that the pub will draw their curtains and shut the doors over after a certain time to keep the residents happy.[/quote]think it's a proper lock in. They don't let anyone in after 12 or whatever time it is, you can't even go out for a fag[/quote]
If thats the case, then the said landlords are nor going to comply will any legal procedures. Best leave bike at home if youre planning a drink down the George.
God its so depressing reading about the bike thefts in London. Ive had one stolen ( Hackney) and another attempted (left the frame twisted). they werent v expensive bikes - about £100 second hand - but its still pretty shitty to find a twisted D-lock in place of your loved transport. The bus ride home after loosing a bike is awful.
thing is, with a birthday coming up soon i'm debating to spend money on good fixie - but after reading this thread I'm wondering wether i shold just stick to cheapo bikes that are less likey to get robbed - and when they do - at least i havnt lost so much financially. -