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Member since Feb 2008 • Last active Aug 2009
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    saw this beauty outside this really cool looking shop :)

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    this poll stinks:
    all the newbies are choosing not to take it out of shame.
    and all the older guys are jumping at the chance to show their pride.
    if all members/un-registered readers of the site were to enter in the poll, the result would be v. different.

    from the second I arrived in london I wanted to ride. but didnt have the funds to buy a bike until about a year later. rode geared for about 2.5 years, finally been fixed for last 4 months.
    I orriginally thaught that fixed was only for messangers or posers/wannabes. so didnt buy into it. but after reading up and talking to a few people decided I wanted to give it a go. I put my first bike together and loved it instantly.

    I can tell why racers use fixed geard bikes for training/winter sessions, all the spinning really strengthens you up! I've since gone back on geared aluminum racers and you just f**ing fly on them! cos your pedaling tecnique and strength/speed is really improved. so damn quick!

    i've got the bike cos i love fixed gear bikes, not the fixed gear scene.

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    because my track frame's so compact (short in length but high in height) i find when i hit a bump/crater in the road, my rear wheel bumps up and down and I end up bouncing around untill i get my rythm back and the frame settles down.
    this sound like what your talking about?

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    Hows about these ones:

    Strawberrys are part of the rose family.

    Wallnuts tan in the sun.

    oh and this whole 'dogs cant look up' stuff is a load of shit. I used to live in the second floor of a council flat and the guy below me had a garden with a dog (and some weed growing in some pots - but thats another story) and I always used to piss the dog off. he used to look up at me and bark like crazy. Fair enough they cant look up very well: they've got short necks and they have to lower their hind legs a bit, but they can look up!!

    and this whole cows cant go down stairs thing. well they can! but only backwards. Thats still going down stairs!!
    (my 2 cents)

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    cavendish cycles usually stock them for £25. highly recommeded store so go down there and check them out. (call first to confirm they've got them instock)

    contact them by: http://www.allinlondon.co.uk/directory/1284/2865.php

    i've got one from them. reccomend taping up the frame to prevent the plates scratching off the paint.

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    yea, its a bitch to find.
    and there's not much on it.


    they dont even list their contact details on it!
    find them here:

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    @ hvadhir

    bikes a beaut mate. one of the nicest i've seen. what colour/effect are those deep vs?
    yea i would have filed down the frame before the spray. but otherwise perfect!

    @ dale
    conversions can me more comfortable than pistas cos of there relaxed geometry. Sometimes i wish i thaught of that before I'd bought my track frame (but then i tell myself that i'm too young to be buying bikes for comfort). but i agree that there are nicer road frames out there to convert.

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    just putting this in for if someone tries to search for this in the future:

    if you want to manually put in your links to other urls so that they can be displayed as a single word.

    use the example below: replacing "example" with your url of choice
    and "hyperlink" with the words you want to display the link.
    and then add another "]" at the end:


    then looks like this : [URL="http://www.example.com"]hyperlink](http://www.example.com)

    if you select the links below the "posting rules" at the bottom of the page theres more info, it just took me a while to figure that out so I figured Id make this searchable post.
