Avatar for theAHi


Member since Feb 2008 • Last active Aug 2013
  • 1 conversations

Most recent activity

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for theAHi

    There's a new design up and another meeting on the 19th, take a look here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=118593778234481.

    I'd like to go along, but will almost definitely working, so if you can go, please do.

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for theAHi

    The twins video is quite scary

  • in General
    Avatar for theAHi

    Forked... :)

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for theAHi

    Skating in paris, as it should be:


  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for theAHi

    For the Mac, probably the best gui editor is Textmate, but if you want all your csses and your terminals built in, coda and espresso(http://macrabbit.com/espresso/) are really good too.

    obviously vi is a great tool (and I love it), just quite a lot to unlearn for the average user.

  • in Rides & Races
    Avatar for theAHi


    1. Velocio (PAID)
    2. Clefty (PAID)
    3. joe smith (PAID)
    4. CG (PAID)
    5. S/J
    6. Bombadil (PAID)
    7. BrianClose
    8. emab
    9. FridayMarch26th (PAID)
    10. polowannabe
    11. conker (PAID)
    12. Marco (PAID)
    13. Fluff
    14. allensea
    15. dicki
    16. Digger
    17. middleofnowhere (PAID)
    18. Tallman
    19. skive
    20. K-Dog
    21. dalstonrosi
    22. leifal (PAID)

    23. Braker
    24. BlueQuinn (PAID)
    25. jcgarcia (PAID)
    26. Tiswas (PAID)
    27. Ziska (PAID)
    28. Crumb (PAID)
    29. spagettihoops (PAID)
    30. skiver (PAID)
    31. mo_mo (PAID)
    32. bobby dids (PAID)
    33. dimi3 (PAID)
    34. betty (PAID)
    35. Rossi75 (PAID)
    36. StupidPony
    37. Dropout (PAID)
    38. Multi Grooves
    39. Nishiki_Alien
    40. Nishiki_Alien + 1
    41. tika (PAID)
    42. *FRANK (PAID)
    43. theAHi (PAID)
    44. skydancer
    45. 3stripe
    46. 3stripe + 1
    47. bobbywomb
    48. jamiedawsonyoung
    49. jamiedawsonyoung + 1
    50. diapo
    51. Socialamnesia
    52. Socialamnesia +1
      === COACH CAPACITY IS 51 ===

    No Coach

    1. damo
    2. Clever Pun
    3. dee-bee-one
    4. mjs110 (if it's not raining, ipswich)
    5. andy.w
    6. 6pt [tandem]
    7. roadie [tandem]
    8. Branwen
    9. Samuelson
    10. pascalo
    11. steves

    now i'm not embarassing myself in front of carbonroadieobject.....

  • in Rides & Races
    Avatar for theAHi


    1. Velocio
    2. Clefty
    3. joe smith

    4. CG
    5. S/J
    6. Bombadil
    7. BrianClose
    8. emab
    9. FridayMarch26th
    10. _____________
    11. polowannabe
    12. conker
    13. Marco
    14. Nhatt
    15. allensea
    16. dicki
    17. Digger
    18. middleofnowhere
    19. Tallman
    20. joelovesfixed(2)
    21. joee-pb
    22. skive
    23. K-Dog
    24. Sainsburys Ed
    25. Sainsburys Ed + 1
    26. dalstonrosi
    27. leifal
    28. Object
    29. Braker
    30. BlueQuinn
    31. jcgarcia
    32. Tiswas
    33. Ziska
    34. Crumb
    35. Hoops
    36. skiver
    37. mo_mo
    38. bobby dids
    39. dimi3
    40. betty
    41. Rossi75
    42. StupidPony
    43. Dropout
      46.Multi Grooves
      === COACH CAPACITY IS 51 ===

    44. Nishiki_Alien

    45. Nishiki_Alien + 1

    46. tika (reserve for coach) ?
      50.*FRANK (cheeky last minute coach reserve)

    47. theAHi (confirming *FRANK's post)

    No Coach

    1. damo
    2. Clever Pun
    3. dee-bee-one
    4. mjs110 (if it's not raining, ipswich)
    5. andy.w
    6. 6pt [tandem]
    7. roadie [tandem]
    8. Branwen
    9. Samuelson
    10. pascalo
    11. steves
    12. kboy
    13. edscoble
    14. econodog
    15. econodog +1
    16. econodog +2
    17. econodog +3
    18. econodog +4
    19. econodog +5

    4 & 5 are free as well. Still doing the ride but staying in Southwold for the weekend.

    If nobody else wants them, i'm happy to pay etc

  • in General
    Avatar for theAHi

    I'm from just across the tamar and go back every so often, would be up for joining a ride if there's anything ever going on.

  • in Components and clothing
    Avatar for theAHi

    Plymouth, sweet, I don't have to feel so bad/stupid/alone when I go home now.

  • in Wanted Adverts
    Avatar for theAHi

    or maybe get a bmx??

