Member since Jan 2008 • Last active Jan 2008- 0 conversations
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[cite]01[/cite]Nice I'd make sure you add a role of gaffer tape to your shopping list as I've heard those frames have a tendency to fall apart as soon as you go over a speed bump!
Haven't your ordered some silver goldfingers?
It'd better damn well not fall apart!! Has anyone else heard this? You've made me nervous now..
I put in an order at BC for l and r gold goldfingers (that should be ready) for friday. Why did you think i'd ordered silver ones?
Hey all..
I'm Arr Jimlad and i'm new!
I thought i'd say hello to everyone before i start posting everywhere annoying you all with my lack of skillz.
I'm a south londoner (not too south) and ride an ss 80's f.w. evans frame that i've built up myself from scratch. i'll get around to posting pics at some point.
Anyway. Hello everybody!
world peace.