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Member since Jan 2008 • Last active Jan 2008
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    I run into dogs all the time when out off road riding and for some reason the owner always thinks your going to run their dog over and shouts at you to not do so. Why on earth you would ever want to run a dog over is beoned me. If it was my dog I would hold the dog and allow the cyclist to pass but that seems to much trouble for people and they would just rather shout at you for being there.

    The best story dog related was that me and a friend were hammering down an track and I was in front and he was trying to keep up. I went around a corner and a dog was stood right in the middle of the track. I slammed my brakes on and stopped in time whereas my mate behind was concentrating to much on keeping up than watching what was happening and couldn't stop. He went flying over the handle bars and rolled through the biggest patch of stinging nettles you have ever seen!! It was the summer and he was in shorts and a T and he was covered in head to toe in nettle rash. Apparently he didn't sleep for days cos of the itching!!

    The dog just sat and watched it all happen and then continued up the track and the owner came around the next corner wondering why my mate was rolling around in stinging nettles.

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    Roberto @ Ruishton Village Hall

    Funny how it is a small world, for those who haven't seen any of my posts I live in Somerset, well my Neighbour yesterday told me of a bike jumble sale in a small village outside of Taunton today. So I goes along to see if I can pick up any cheap bits and a cup of tea and cake.
    Any how, sat outside against the hedge is a fixie, looking at the people in the jumble sale, against all the vintage riders and lycra weekend warriors is Roberto.

    Good to meet you dude,

    Strange to see anyone from Londonfgss in my neck of the woods, and if anyone is around there is another one on 15th April in Yarcombe so my Neighbour says, maybe see you there.

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    TheBrick(Tommy) buddha only likes horsey girls perhaps?

    I wanted to post a picture so I googled "ugly horse girl" but none of the results where quite what I was looking for.

    He would have liked the one I met the other day, she was out with her horse and was off the horse in the middle of the bridleway, anyway if it wasn't for the tail I would have struggled to tell the two apart.

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    I worked in a independant senior school and six form college in the south west, trust me money does not equal beauty...

    Get a few yummy mummys though.

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    I love:
    my wife
    my cats
    my family
    my bikes

    5pm Monday - Friday
    Saturday mornings as they are all mine and no one elses!

    That feeling when you finally do that big jump / drop / trick on a bike that you have had a head f*ck over for the last few months - invinceable (sorry my MTB background coming out)

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    My pashley had a press fit BB and the Spinner exercise bike I am sorting for someone also has, easy to whack out the cups and press back in I guess, thing is, DMR always do a conversion to run a normal treaded BB so you have the option.

    BMX seem to switching to the spanish BB standard, not sure what the difference is, just see it pop up on MTB's that are following BMX technology.

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    My best mate used to own a bike shop and that was the best one!!

    We used to have cool times there, Adventure Sports 24/7 in Yeovil if anyone knew it!

    He'd always let us use his work shop even during a saturday if it was free, we used to hang out there out of hours and get drunk and do stupid stunts on bikes.

    Remember trying to manual a BMX right outside the shop on a busy Friday night and landing flat on my back!!

    Shame it had to shut in the end, funny how things change, he's a prison officer in Brighton now, those were the times.....

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    Is a chickhen kebab at 2am classed as supper or an early breakfast?

    Normally a dirty breakfast for me is a maccy d's qtr pounder on the way to getting dirty on the Quantocks!

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    TheBrick(Tommy) http://www.molevalleyfarmers.com/ These guys have a good work wear selection, have had a few jeans from them, plus you can pick up few dozen fencing posts and barbed wire while you are there, some wormer and feed supliment.

    I've got one of those in my town, great for work stuff, do all the Dickies stuff etc. I bought a Dickies boiler suit for a ghost busters costume and that lasted a night of crazy drinking and silly antics, should wear one all the time :-)
