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Member since Jan 2008 • Last active Jan 2008
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  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    either that or you could try french enamel varnish (fev). its meths based like the shellac and you can get a clear one. a 1l can is about a tenner from flints.

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    there's loads of different types of shellac. yes it is made from bits of beetles, so its hard to get a really clear finish on it. scenery wise you can get varients such as white knotting and pale sanding sealer. flints theatrical chandlers do larger 5l cans of it. maybe atlantis will do a smaller tub.

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    if your planning a trip to newport then make sure you sort out some digs. the velodrome is in the arse end of newport. i know as i support newport county and its next to their ground. it would be a decent 20-25min ride from the station as well. public transport is only a couple of buses out to the area as well from the bus station.

  • in Bike Polo
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    ah sorry guys. done my back in so have to give it a miss this week ;(

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    i spend a lot of time on the walworth project as its now called. apparently it was based on king street in hammersmith?? one thing to note is this...they actually have taken out many of the bus lane sections that provided a safe place to cycle with better vision of you coming up the road. walworth has always had a problem with people randomly crossing the road, especially at the natwest bank and east street market. but they have actully narrowed the road meaning that in order to get past the traffic you have to be pretty lucky not to get a random step out of a pedestrian between cars that are now much tigher together. also it isn't quite the tree lined boulavarde that was shown on the promotional bunff they sent out. and i think a grand total of about 5 new sheffield bike stands have been put in 'to encourage cycling'!!

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    i took the time to email this nick lester bloke last night. cudos on the speedy response. but it makes 'interesting' reading. whats everybody else thoughts on this......

    Contrary to the scaremongering by the London Cycling Campaign, there are no proposals in our current Bill which would allow for the wholesale removal of cycles as 'clutter'. The Bill is adressed at dangerous obstructions to the footway such as advertising 'A' boards, objects for sale and building materials. Council officials seeking to exercise these powers would, first, have to determine that the object was left in a way which caused a danger or serious obstruction. Second, they would need to make an effort to contact the owner of the object in question to get them to remove it. Third, they would need to place a notice of their intended action in removing the object. Failure to undertake any of these actions would render any removal unlawful. There arfe no plans to authorise parking attendants to exercise these powers as it would seriously distract them from their main work. In any case, councils in London are committed to increasing cycling and spend tens of millions of pounds a year on this. Large scale removal of parked cycles would serve no useful purpose towards this. Having said that, the Bill's provisions could be used against cycles that were willfully left in a dangerous or seriously obstructive place. I can see no reason to turn a blind eye to such actions. I appreciate your comments about the need for more cycle parking and councils do provide this. It may not be enough in your eyes. However, cycle parking takes both space and money and there is strong competiton for both on London's streets. Councils have to strike a balance, often with difficulty, between competing demands. Just as lack of a convenient legal parking space is no excuse for someone to park a car illegally, it does not seem to me to b an excuse to park a cycle in a way which causes danger to anyone else. Yours sincerely Nick Lester

  • in Bike Polo
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    am i getting this one right? weds 9th what time though? 7.30pm?

    can a rougue just turn up? as a carot i reckon on being able to make a good mallet!!!
